Unlock the potential of holistic chiropractic care as a solution for addressing health and performance issues in animals.
Chiropractic therapy involves the precise manipulation or adjustment of joints and their related structures, aiming to mobilize stiff or restricted joints.
This holistic approach becomes essential when tight muscles or ligaments on one side of a spinal joint pull it out of proper alignment, leading to irritation, swelling, and dysfunction of the nervous system.
Chiropractic adjustments are specific, quick, and low-force thrusts directed by hand to restore proper mobility to restricted joints.
At your appointment, Dr. Weidenkopf initiates the process by taking a comprehensive history of your dog, cat, or horse. A chiropractic examination follows, encompassing posture and gait analysis, along with palpation of joints and muscles both statically and in motion. The examination is methodical, addressing one region at a time, ensuring precise adjustments are made with proper positioning and treatment applied to individual joints.
Various factors determine the number and frequency of treatments needed to correct a problem. Chronic issues typically require more treatments than acute problems. In cases of permanent damage, achieving full range of motion may be challenging, necessitating multiple adjustments for optimal flexibility. Younger animals generally require fewer treatments compared to seniors. Typically, two to five treatments are recommended, with intervals of two to four weeks between each session.
Across all species, certain stressful or traumatic situations can strain joint-supporting structures, causing abnormal or restricted movement in the spine. Holistic chiropractic care addresses these issues comprehensively, promoting overall well-being and enhanced performance for your cherished animals.
Common Stressful or Truamatic Situations
- the birthing processĀ
- poor conformation
- falling
- injuries - from running into something
- chronic lameness or limping
- repetitive, physically stressful activities
- surgical procedures
Issues That Can Strain The Body's Framework & Restrict Activity
- poor saddle fit (horses)
- poor hoof balance (horses)
- dental imbalances (horses)
- rider imbalance (horses)
- long toenails (dogs)
Symptoms Of Animals In Need Of Adjustment
- sensitivity to touch, grooming, or being held
- uncharacteristic irritability or a change in attitude, depression or anxiety
- dragging feet
- decreased interest in playing or working or unwillingness to work
- difficulty getting up and laying down
- lameness
- digestive problems
Benefits of Chiropractic Care Across Species
For Equine Patients
When your horse loses normal flexibility due to restricted joints, their back, neck or pelvis become stiff leading to resistance and decreased performance. You may find that your horse has difficulty with or exhibits the following symptoms/issues:
- executing desired movements such as collection or bending and flexing
- short strided
- "cold backed"
- "weak sided" with difficulty picking up or maintaining a lead
- unable to perform to their expected level
- painfulness resulting in behavioral problems like head tossing, bucking, or cinchiness
- difficulty posturing to defecate or urinate
For Small Animals
Dogs and cats may show pain when they are in need of an adjustment. Others may be stiff but not painful. Possible symptoms include:
- inability to jump up or down on objects
- difficulty going up or down stairs or getting in and out of the car
- stiffness or weakness when walking or rising
- excessive licking of paws or hot spots
- hiding from people or other pets
- resentful of a collar being put on
- refusal to sit or sits in an unusual position
- difficulty lowering or raising head
- urinary or fecal incontinence or difficulty posturing to defecate or urinate
- pets with chronic lameness problems such as hip dysplasia, arthritis or pain from fractures
- pain or stiffness from excessive crating, pulling on collar, hard work or play