Integrative Veterinary Health

Fecal Microbiome Transfer (FMT) in Pets: A Revolutionary Approach to Gastrointestinal Health

Fecal Microbiome Transfer (FMT) in Pets: A Revo...

At Holistic Veterinary Options, we are thrilled to introduce an innovative procedure that promises to enhance your beloved pets' gastrointestinal (GI) health: Fecal Microbiome Transfer (FMT). What is FMT? FMT...

Fecal Microbiome Transfer (FMT) in Pets: A Revo...

At Holistic Veterinary Options, we are thrilled to introduce an innovative procedure that promises to enhance your beloved pets' gastrointestinal (GI) health: Fecal Microbiome Transfer (FMT). What is FMT? FMT...

It's Not All Fun & Games: Exercise is Crucial for Your Pet's Health!

It's Not All Fun & Games: Exercise is Crucial f...

Exercise is not a luxury for pets; it's a necessity. Regular physical activity is vital to maintaining your pet's health and happiness. Here are some compelling reasons why exercise is...

It's Not All Fun & Games: Exercise is Crucial f...

Exercise is not a luxury for pets; it's a necessity. Regular physical activity is vital to maintaining your pet's health and happiness. Here are some compelling reasons why exercise is...

Neutering Male Dogs: What You Need to Know

Neutering, also known as castration, involves the removal of a male dog’s testicles. This procedure is a well-known solution to pet overpopulation. Below, we explore how neutering affects behavior, cancer...

Neutering Male Dogs: What You Need to Know

Neutering, also known as castration, involves the removal of a male dog’s testicles. This procedure is a well-known solution to pet overpopulation. Below, we explore how neutering affects behavior, cancer...

Spaying Female Dogs - What you Need to Know

Spaying, also known as an ovariohysterectomy, involves the surgical removal of a female dog’s reproductive tract. This procedure is a key solution to pet overpopulation. Below, we discuss how spaying...

Spaying Female Dogs - What you Need to Know

Spaying, also known as an ovariohysterectomy, involves the surgical removal of a female dog’s reproductive tract. This procedure is a key solution to pet overpopulation. Below, we discuss how spaying...

The Benefits of Ozone Therapy in Holistic Veter...

Learn how ozone therapy is being used effectively in veterinary medicine.  

The Benefits of Ozone Therapy in Holistic Veter...

Learn how ozone therapy is being used effectively in veterinary medicine.  

Healthy Chewing Choices for Your Dog

Dr. Michelle weighs in on which chews are healthy for your dog.... and which ones are not!

Healthy Chewing Choices for Your Dog

Dr. Michelle weighs in on which chews are healthy for your dog.... and which ones are not!

Our clinic is closed until 12/26/24 @ 8:15 AM

May all your Christmas dreams come true, and may every shelter animal find a furever home soon!

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