Laser Therapy
Laser therapy (i.e. photobiomodulation therapy- PBMT) is used to treat inflammation and relieve pain. This therapy does not generate heat but provides light energy to the mitochondria of the cell. Mitochondria produce energy in the form of ATP. ATP is the form of energy used by a cell to perform its functions. Enhanced energy production allows cells to repair areas of the body that have been compromised by things like trauma or the aging process. It is a great tool for managing pain and inflammation in all species. It can be used as a complementary treatment with conventional medicine; as a stand alone treatment; or in conjunction with acupuncture or chiropractic.
We offer laser therapy with our two very different treatment devices. We have a class 4B laser which enables us to treat deeper structures in the back, neck and upper limbs. We also have a class 2 low level light laser. This allows us to treat patients or areas on the patient, that we are not able to touch. It is also safe to use around eyes and endocrine glands. This laser has multiple FDA approvals for pain management, wound healing and infection control.
We cannot treat eyes or cancer with PBMT.
Some Of The Conditions That Respond Well To PBMT Include:
- soft tissue injuries to tendons, ligaments and muscles
- nerve injury, inflammation or pain
- wounds
- fractures
- local infections including skin and ear infections and hot spots
- dental pain and inflammation
- certain gastrointestinal and urinary tract conditions
- acupuncture points
- tightness in soft tissue to enhance chiropractic response
- degenerative conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis and navicular disease